"For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6

June 1, 2011


God is Good, O'He is wonderful and precious to me, and I am falling in love with Him more each day. His messeges and what He gives to me is a blessing to me.

I have been trying to discern this gift of 'seeing' and what God has in store for me. I have questioned this gift and I have been trying to figure it out, because you know as humans we are curious beings that want to find a reason for everything and we want to know how it works and why?

Last week I visited my pastor's wife to ask her a few questions about my gift of  "seeing." I had been informed that Paula would be the perfect person to speak with regarding the questions I had, and the things I was experiencing. I told Paula about my gift of "seeing" things of the spiritual realm. The entities I see vary but they have common denominators. They are human form, with facial features, and they are either: clear, gray, bright white or black in color. I have discerned that the white figures are good and the black figures are evil. I have also discerned that the gray are neutral, and the clear are hiding their figure so they are undistinguishable on whether they are good or evil.

I have also discerned that this gift of  "seeing" is a gift from God for my protection and for reassurance and affirmation of my faith in God.  Sounds two-fold because it is. I am just so thankful that God has seen that I was worthy enough to be given such a gift.

Paula defined my gift as being a "Seer" and that she did not know much about this type of gift but she did confirm she believes in the Spiriual realm and that I should be cautious of who I tell about my gift. I told her I was aware of the reaction of people when you say you can see things, people freak out. I even had one pastor asked if I was schidzefrenic or if I had a family history of schidzefrenia? No, I haven't. no one in my family has any such thing. I took this offensively when this pastor made such a statement to me. I still respect him, however, he has been knocked down a notch in my respect of pastor book. How could a pastor not believe in the Spiritual realm?

Paula gave me some suggestions for reading on "Seers". I was able to find out that most people believe a "Seer" is a Prophet and that is incorrect. A "Seer" sees things such as forms, and pictures, and they must discern what they mean and who they are for, and whether God wants them to speak regarding the image or not to relate the incident. Whereas a "Prophet", gives prophesy to the people, which is direct Words from God. There is a difference.

Kings in the Old Testament had a "Prophet" and a "Seer" that worked for the King in advicing him and counsel.  That is interesting isn't it, so if they were one in the same why did the Kings have two?  Look that one up yourself. I Samual: read the Book.

Paula suggested I check out this John Paul Jackson. I reviewed his website and ordered a book by Jim Driscoll, "The Modern Seer".  I felt heavy and uneasy about reading this book. I scanned through sections after the first few chapters because something didn't sound right. He was qouting scripture but it was not in alignment with God's Word.

    (The Modern Seer)
1) Our God is not a God of Confusion
2) He stated, "everyone has the gift of seeing" That isn't biblical.
3) He was also stating that Seer and Prophet were the same and that the Seer is more powerful/important than the Prophet. That is not true either.
4) The Seeing Jesus Excercise

Let Me explain my experience after reading this book. God told me to BURN IT!!!

After reading/scanning the book, which took two days and I paid $22.00 for it. I sat down in my living room to finish reading it, got out my highlighter and I was all excited that I was going to learn something pertaining to my gift of "seeing". Turned off all the noise in my house so I could concentrate on this book. Then the uneasy feeling came over me as if something was off. I began reading the book and started seeing the discrepencies with the Biblical truths.  I stopped highlighting and started scanning the book. Then I went to the last chapter on the "Seeing Jesus Excercise".

At this time in my life, I have a strong powerful connection with the Lord. I began to pray regarding this excercise and Jesus said, "Quit, Don't do that." and He repeated the phrase. Then I prayed for God's discernment to Guide and lead me in clarity of His Words and what He did want me to do. He said, "Get Rid of the Book." I thought internally, What? Again, He said, "Get Rid of the Book, Burn It!" I answered, burn it? He said, "Yes, Burn it now." I put the book down with all good intentions to 'burn the book' but it is 12:30 in the evening, if he says to burn the book, then I will.

This is very profound, because  just went to my pastor's wife for direction. She gave me the necessary tool to find the information I was seeking, but it was not biblical based. I don't blame her for this incident but this is a warning to be cautious of what you read, and if it does not align with biblical truths then it is a deceitful disguise of Satan's. He wants us to be decieved and confused that is why you need to be firmly planted with the gospel of Truth at all times.

After this incident, I have no intentions of purchasing another book on "Seers". I have prayed that the Holy Spirit will teach me whatever it is that I need to know and that He will guide me and lead me in the Way of the Truth.

"For the Lord gives wisdom from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6