"For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6

February 2, 2012


Last night I attend church with a friend. This was an older congregation of Southern Baptist members. As one woman told me, "We are a Hillbilly Church." They were very friendly and made me feel welcome.

I did not feel uncomfortable but very welcomed in by every member that came to shake my hand wondering who I was. I have been looking for a church since I moved to the area and now, I am getting down to business on attending the area churches. Attending church gives you a sense of community.

This brings me to this church, the Baptist believe that man is the head of the church and you should only read from the King James Bible no other. The preacher was loud in his sermon of how sinful we are and not to stray. That any one can backslide and not to let that happen because you are not guarenteed a seat in the kingdom. Ok. I do not believe once saved always saved but personally I believe that I have strong connection with the God Almight and I am a chosen child of God. God will correct me but I his little princess. It is not that I do no wrong it is that he corrects me and purifies me of my errors. The beliefs of the Baptist are not mine, I will propably not attend again.

This brings me to my vision of a black man hanging by a nooze in the church and another man standing their with a white sheet over his head representing KKK (Klu Klux Klan) I was deeply disturbed with this image. I was given the message by my guardian angel that I needed to know what this church as about and that the curse of their actions from 2-3 generations has not been lifted. They are a rascist church that hung men years ago.

The church as not admitted to their part in this tragedy and therefore still have the cloud of the curse upon the church and it will last upto 4 generations.

This was not holy ground but desecrated ground that was cursed therefore the church is dying and cannot flourish and grow. The congregation was 60 years old and older. These are people that will not admit their is a problem and live in the past, but yet believe if they do not sin they will go to heaven.

The preacher emphasised how sinful people are and we will always be sinners. What about forgiveness of the cross and Jesus Christ being our Advocate before the Father. BeWare of Churches that have this ideology of us living in a sinful world and we should be fearful of not being able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven consequencely if you live under the umbrella of Christ, "Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial." "There is no condemnation for those that are in Christ." "If you live by the Spirit then your walk will flourish, prosper and grow."

Praise God I have a loving father that said, "I shall never leave you nor forsake you." Regardless of my imperfections I am a Chosen Child of God and He Loves Me beyond compare. I am worthy of His Kingdom, I am worthy of his communion, and I am worthy serving him. I answer to no man but I answer to God... Great and Mighty is the King of Kings Lord of Lords that I serve..