"For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6

October 17, 2011

Bitterness to Forgiveness

Capturing the moment and living in the present is one of the most difficult things to do. We live in a fast-paced society that is constantly moving and we cannot seem to slow down enough to enjoy the beauty surrounding us.

Many people live in the bitter past that has consumed their every waking moment of sirenity. What is the sanity in that. Your consumable mind soaks up daily memories to grab on too for life time, do all of them need to be kept in your box of memories, can you forgive and live in the present?

I do not have this fear but my sister does: of becoming a bitter old woman. That I will never do. I hope and pray her life does not lead her there, but I believe our angry can be built up so high and the scares dug so deep that bitterness seeps in without realizing the it. If you are conginitively aware of the bitterness that can grasp your whole being then you can stop it in its tracks.

My step-mother became a bitter woman. She was consumed with rage and anger. She turned her back on those people that had a lifetime of wonderful memories with her because she refused to forgive them for their disloyalty. Man will fail you, man will let you down, man will disappoint you each and every time, but it is up too you to decide that you will not allow them to destroy who you are as a person in the process.

Jesus said, "turn the other cheek". He also said, "You should forgive 7x7x7x7 times anyone that had done you wrong."

How many times have we failed God? How many times have we disappointed Him? How many times have you asked for forgiveness?

I am so imperfect in this human form and I make daily ghastly mistakes that I must ask God for forgiveness from. Does he forgive me? Yes, because He loves Him. I live with the confidence of knowing through my faith that my God is a Forgiving God.

There are consequences to our actions and sometimes God allows certain things to play out in our lives based upon our own actions. It isn't that he has abandoned us, but that he is disciplining us for our indiscretions.

I turned my back on God at one point in my life. The consequences were severe. I lost my job, I lost my house, I lost my husband, my family was destroyed, and my life hit rock bottom with a loud thud. I realized that my life didn't work without God. God is the source of who I am and where I have come along way with where I am going in life.

The Lord said, "I shall never leave you nor forsake you, 'but it is conditional: you must never leave me'."

October 10, 2011


People can see spirits and into the spirit world, through the aid of other spirits, spirit guides, etc., and often use sorcery (drugs) or seances, etc.

to call up on (invoke) spirits and enter the realm of spirits -- both their dimension(s) and their influence, as well as the high of the drugs and/or the spirit(s) influence. I've seen spirits a number of times, but actually, as cliched as this may sound, I was rescued several times by Jesus, when some things went wrong and things got scary. Anyway, He's more powerful than all the other spirits, but lots of "church" people know little about this, but actually they should. The gospel is actually called "the power of God" but lots of Christians dismiss this as being something for long ago. It's nonsense but that's what they think...but back to seeing spirits, etc., yes you can see them with the aid of other spirits. One warning note: if you ever get in trouble with demons who actually get tired of acting good, and then decide to finally show their true colors, once they say that "they've got you", well, call on Jesus. Several times I saw spirits growl, and disband, etc. just at the mention of his name, BEFORE I was a Christian.

However, most people erroneously believe that it is some "special ability" or "superstar" quality about them, that lets them see into the spirit world, but it's really usually that they're given the gift of discerning of Spirits, by Jesus, often from birth. They often, but not always, confuse it as their own mental giftedness etc., and sometimes fail to attribute this to just plain grace.

Still, truth is that spirits do exist, but they vibrate, etc. at different frequencies of light than human eyes naturally see, but some recreational or "nature" religion hallucinagens (sorcery) are "honored" by spirits as a means to enter their realm. Many women feel them more easily than men in a general sense, perhaps because God gave women a more sensitive internal nerve wiring/intuition. Anyway, I've seen spirits a few times, yes a few times on mushrooms and on LSD maybe twice, and on peyote, several things happened (once the entire countryside lit up with a spiritual visitation)I entered the spirit realm via sorcery (drugs) before I was Christian. However, I've seen them several times with my eyes, without drugs, when casting them out of people, when the Holy Spirit (of Jesus) allowed me to literally see into the spirit world with my physical eyes with His help, and gave the gift of "discerning of spirits" as is mentioned in I Corinthians 12, 13 and 14 of the New Testament, along with other true gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Unfortunately, there are some really weird "manifestations" that happen even in Christian meetings, while the Holy Spirit is also moving. Bad spirits often get restless in the presence of Jesus, but disguise themselves as religious spirits so as to remain in their "host." The rule about suspicious spiritual gifts in general is that any special one-time "prompting" instructions should not be repeated and exalted to the status of being a regular occurence or "spiritual gift" unless it/they are mentioned as gifts in the New Testament, and with the guidelines mentioned in the passages above.

There are sadly, lying spirits, like lying people, and these fallen angels who rebelled against God, still have many of their original abilities, though their personalities are ruined by their sin, and they disguise themselves as angels of light, in order to fight against people and the kingdom of God. Frankly, they often seek to make Christians look weird in order to make unbelievers not want to come back to their "spacey" church meetings.. Usually it's Christians that want to glory in themselves as being "super spiritual" and they make a show of weird "giftedness"s before others to make themselves look cool (like shaking and jerking and other weird stuff, which seems ultra-spiritual) but that's never mentioned in scripture as a gift. So, please don't blame Jesus if some of his children are new at moving in the spirit world and aren't too good at it.

The general rule is: the Holy Spirit brings more self control, not less, and more mental clarity and freedom, while demons want you to be passive and to release your mind, etc (to them!). and to be unguarded in "proving all things" and holding fast to what is good, and especially morally good. Demons can give people their strength, but the Holy angels are stronger, and Jesus is in a whole different league than anything/anyone. "One little word" shall fell the devil, as Martin Luther correctly wrote.

Anyway, also in the New Testament I John talks in several places about not believing every spirit, but testing them to see if they recommend or practice anything contrary to the word of God. Before I was a Christian, I levitated off the ground two times and had some experiences with dogs and divination and spirits that would read other peoples minds and/or plant thoughts into the group by transfering back and forth and or, enveloping us all. The Lord can give us his mind though, and give us words of knowledge, etc. Again, these are mentioned in FIrst Corinthians, chapters 12, 13 and 13, in the New Testament of the Bible.

Sorry this was long, but I hope that this helps us to "see" them correctly in a truer light.


October 7, 2011

Seeing is Believing

I wonder sometimes if I am not insanely crazy because when I speak of what I see people give me this glazed look of "your crazy." I don't believe I am crazy because I believe what I see to be real.

The invisible world does exist around us, it is the visible that do not want to believe unless they see it for themselves. They are not open to the idea and will test your patience to convince them that what you are stating is real. I have come to the conclusion, I don't need to convince anyone of my ability to hear and see the invisible forms.

I believe because I know it is true and real, not because I have seen everything, because that isn't the case. I only see what they show me or reveal to me. The intense energy that surrounds us reveals itself to those that are willing to accept the invisible realm. You must open your eyes and hears to hear and see or you will not believe.

Have you seen the Holy Spirit? No, yet you believe.
Have you seen God? No, yet you believe
Have you seen Angels? Some have, but they didn't need to too believe.

I am just the lucky one. Thank You God for this gift.

The Journey of Endurance

Why are we here, shat are we to do, why can't we accomplish what we have set before us? These are all question people ask of themselves and God.

What is the purpose what is the goal. Many people live for success and a title, and our children are fed this bullshit too. Succeed in life it will go well with you. Succeed to pay the bills, succeed because you don't want to be a failure in life.

Who the hell are you to tell a child they are a failure. I believe through our failures we grow and mature into who God wants us to be. He doesn't care what your passions and career choices are as long as your journey on earth defines Him in your life. the problem is when we exclude Him.

Our job titles, money, material things, are insignificant in the scheme of things. The only thing that matters is that God is leading you to Him. That you are living to please Him. Living in his presence and having communication with Him.

The journey is a journey of endurance, and if you can follow through despite the struggles and heartache, with a few years of happiness and contentment wrapped in. In the end it is God and family. Without God you have nothing, and without family your life has not been blessed. Children and family are blessings from God that He bestows upon you and places in your path, for the journey of endurance.

People should focus more on the journey then the success of a job title or money. The job title is only recognition for what God has given you the ability to understand because all knowledge, wisdom, understanding and power come from Him, you have the skill because He gave it to you. So be thankful. The money won't make you happy but it will pay the bills. The material things will slowly be destroyed and you have to purchase other items because nothing last in this world, new always has to be created to replace the old things.

Overall, your life should reflect God and the Journey of Enduring this lifetime, it is the small bitz and pieces that you can take away into the next life, with the memories you hold and live by.