"For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6

August 30, 2011

Blessing Your House

In the Bible when there was a need for protection and guidance it was tradition to annoint the persons head with oil. Usually this was done to Kings to verify God had sent them to be ruler over the land. In the past pastors of the Chruch would bless a persons house prior to them moving in so that God would allow the home to be blessed and not allow for unclean things or evil spirits to come in. This can also be done today.

When moving into a new house or preparing to bless a house you reside in. There is importance in first praying and giving thanks to God for allowing you to have the property.

1 Samuel 16:13 says "So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the LORD came upon David in power". If you are going to bless the oil yourself you must have faith in God and pray that God will allow the oil and every place it touches to allow for peace, prosperity, love, and everything that is good and pleasing to Him be blessed through the oilAlso pray that anything the oil touches will cause all evil, demons, and anything that goes against the word of God to flee in the name of Jesus Christ. Continue to pray as the Lord leads you over the oil.

The blessed oil should put on your hands and fingers and write a cross on your forehead, all walls of the house, the door posts, windows, the floor, the bathtub, door handles,mirrors, and your car. All the places you want God to bless, protect, and provide. "Now my eyes will be open [says the Lord] and my ears attentive to the prayer that is made in this place. For now I have chosen and consecrated this house that my name may be there for ever; my eyes and my heart will be there for all time". 2 Chronicles 7:15

Praise God and Thank him for the blessings that will come through his divine inspiration.

Blessed Oil can be purchased at any Christian bookstore or extra virgin olive oil can be used once it has been blessed by you or your pastor. While I was dealing with demonic forces and felt compelled to bless my house for protection. Do you remember the Isrealites were directed to cover their doorpost during the Passover, so the Angel of Death skipped over the Isrealites houses. I seen this as a direction from God to annoint my house with blessed oil with the same concept in mind.

*I blessed myself with a cross symbol marked on my forehead and then I blessed every wall, window, doorframe, closet, bed and any every object I could. The prayer I used is similer to this:

~Father God, bless this home, bless this house, protect us from the enemy, I cover my house by the power of the blood of the lamb and live for your glory and your purpose. I close the portals that have been opened within this house and bring peace. My family and I are protected from the enemy and nothing can penetrate my house. I have full authority of my house, my vehicle, my family, my finances, my emotions, my faith, in the power of the blood of Jesus. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen..~

I covered every wall with crosses to protect my family, I did not miss a beat, and this became a weekly ritual. My faith was strengthened and tested during this time, which reminds me, I need to bless my home again.

I have found this ritual to be very useful as a Christian to protect and perserve my family from attacks from the enemy. We are surrounded by the enemy on a daily basis, we must be ready for daily battle.

I have also, found that annointed oil will ward off spiritual attachments on a person. You should bless your children's comings and goings, oil can be used at times, but may not be necessary.

"As for me and my house, We will serve the Lord" Joshua 24:15

August 27, 2011


Neveah was such a special little girl, that touched the lives of many. She was a beautiful blond hair, blue eyed beauty that had a rare blood disease that eventually took her life at the age of 8 years old.

Neveah endured life with a smile and lots of hugs and kisses, she never complained or grumbled about the test, or continual treatments she endured as a testing agent for this rare disease. She was adorable in her beautiful hats she wore with feathers and colorful flowers.

She touched the lives of many people and the media centered on her disease when she passed away. She needed an successful bone marrow transplant to survive that her blood type would accept, but it failed. This little girl eventually lost all of her hair, carried water and ballooned up prior to her death, and was unable to eat any food with salt because of the water gain. Her mother eventually agreed to a coma induced treatment that ended with her mother signing the paper to pull the plugs.

It just makes me smile when I think of Neveah.

I attended her funeral and was able to speak with Neveah. The angels were their to take her up but they were waiting for her to be ready to leave. She told me, 'I can't leave my mom until I know she is ok.' Her mother was accepting of Neveah's death but she wasn't ready to let Neveah go. The angels said, "We will patiently wait for her to be ready before we leave." I told Neveah, "Don't be afraid the angels are patiently waiting for you, just don't get lost, they are here when you are ready."

I waited to speak to Angie her mother before I left the funeral home. I told Angie while giving her a big hug, that 'She is waiting for you to let her go." I don't know whether Angie understood that or not, but I felt compelled to tell Angie, that Neveah will always be around her. Angie seemed reassured and related a few instances since her death that she felt Neveah's presence. See I see a smile come to my face when I relate this.

We are created with a body, spirit and soul. Our spirit and soul live on once this human vessel is no longer needed.

I believe Neveah is still in spirit with her Mother, protecting her and she being present until mom is willing to release her to return to heaven.

It is an old Jewish belief that the spirit of the dead lingers for three days before it is taken. That is why Jesus resurrection was so important and significant of the three days later when he rose.

It was proof that he had risen from the dead.

What happens when we die, do we immediately go to heaven or to hell, or is their a waiting room. Many religions differ on this belief. I have been trying to seek answers to these questions but the Christian community has stifled the human mind from seeking these questions because of the narrow mindedness of believing what you are taught and told, without question. I am too determined to question these ideologies... If you have an answer please let me know, with documentation it would be nice..

August 1, 2011

"Steal, Kill & Destroy"

The demonic world is out to 'steal, kill and destroy', you and your family in whatever way is possible. Back in June my daughter was spiritually attacked in a forceful manner of possession. I fought for this child of mine with every breath I took. I prayed, I fasted, I prayed some more, I studied this demonic battle and it took 23 days after admitting her into a Behavior Center for her to be able to return home. She is a new and improved person, with a new and improved perspective. her level of spiritual activity and understanding is childlike but her spiritual walk exceeds mine.

The mental facilities are filled with individuals that are drugged up on pharmasuetical drugs instead of spiritually ministered too. God did not intend for our minds to be used as experiments by the pharmasuetical companies, scientist, and doctors that have very little understanding of the mind. They have been studying the mind for years but there is no test to actually say, this person has a chemical imbalance or is mentally disturbed. The industry labels our children and we become convinced that that is is answer, when Jesus is the answer... God did not intend his precious human beings whom he gave cognitive level of thinking to be disturbed or chemically unbalanced. "We were created to be well balanced, and have life to the abundance with a mind for thinking". When a persons own reality is outside the norm of society then you are labeled psycho or psyskoprenic. (ms)

"As a man thinks he is." proverbs

A mans reality is what he thinks it is. Otherwise, your word is your reality.. My daughters reality is that she is an angel that has twelve protective angels surrounding her. Because of the possession of her spirit by demonic forces she has called upon the heavenly realms to protect her, and they only way she feels safe is if their is twelve of them. Two would probably do, but she needs the reassurance of the twelve. Are these angelic forces real, yes they are. I have seen them, not all at once but I have seen a few of them and felt their angelic presence surrounding us. No you tell a psychiatrist this they label you as disturbed or psycho. She is not crazy nor am I.

Discerning of the spirits is a spiritual gift given by God! All the gifts are given for the common good and what is accepted by man, we have accepted the gifts whereas society has tried to oppress us because of the gift and say it isn't normal. Bologne.

The problem arises when a person cannot distinguish the difference between ministering angels that are spirits and deceiving spirits. My daughter and I are able to distinguish between the two and know the difference.

Our battle with this demonic force has not ended.

This demonic force has penetrated my home for information. I am fighting a spiritual battle on a daily basis trying to protect my family. Our families are being attacked non-stop yet, we are blinded to the forces surrounding us, then society says your crazy if you can actually see the demonic forces.

God did not intend for us to be unarmed and useless in this battle, but gave us the eyes to see and the ears to hear, it is up to us to stop, look and listen. This spiritual journey I am on has been a roller coaster of an whip lash education this is still progressing. Thank God, he has given me to tools to stand firm and stand strong during this battle.