"For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6

July 12, 2011


Last night I attended a candle vigil for my aunt whom passed away a week or so ago. My sisters and I were conversing at the corner of the parking lot. This vigil was in a rundown part of the city, that is full of corruption and shootings. I was worried about the area where we were located because of the high crime and area shootings.

My majority of my family are not Christian's, however, my sisters and I are strong believers in Christ Jesus.

I have an estranged disconnection from my father whom is an athiest and willingly admits his belief in no God. While I was standing next to my father, I became very angry and beligerent towards him, and I had to move away, I moved 10 feet or so to the outer circle of the people around me and I calmed down. I wasn't completely peaceful but I was calmer than before.

After I spoke to my sisters a few minutes, I seen something out of the corner of my eye fly by use, at head level. It was a black shadow. I then told my sisters, "Pray before you leave!." They started wondering why I would say such a thing, "Just do it." I replied. Then I decided to pray with them. I took both of my sisters to the side of the building, and blessed each of them with anointing oil, and pray with them. Immediately, upon praying with them, I felt a rush of energy slam into me, then dissipate and a calmness came over all three of us. It was very peaceful and serene at that moment.

We continued with the vigil with a pastor praying with the group and a few words spoken regarding my aunts life. While the preacher was praying there was a black figure standing in the shadow across the parking lot, near bushes that were up against the building. My sisters and I all three seen the shadowy figure, which I would say, was my aunt.

After the service, I asked my cousin, "I would like to invite you to my church, I attend Bethel Worship Center across town?" At that exact moment when I asked her if she wanted to attend church with us, the collegue she had made, and candles sitting across the distance, flew from the stand they were on. The gust of wind dissipated after that and there was dead silence.

My sisters and I preceded to leave the vigil and get into our cars. I told my sisters I would like to pray with them again before we leave, so nothing will be attached to them or their vehicle when they left. I prayed with them, and my younger sister heard, "How Dare You!" plain as day, she heard this statement.

I preceded to leave and got in my van, with my younger sister in the passenger seat. I felt the presence without seeing it, and said, "Your not welcome here." I heard a distinctive voice say, "You bitch!" I was astounded, "She just called me a bitch." I was shocked. My sister and I preceded to leave and return home.

So when we die, where does our spirit go? Our bodies which are vessels decay like dead flowers, but our spirit is eternal. Many people believe our spirits are in a resting place to be judged? Many believe once your dead your dead and there is nothing left? Many believe that once you die you are judged to heaven or hell? The question remains, what truly happens??

Obviously, my aunt is holding on to something and has not been judged yet, nor is she resting, nor is she in heaven or hell??

The mysterious of God's plans for eternal life can be question, but I would like to know the truth. God's Truth, God's Purpose, God's Plan, God, ultimate design for mankind, body, mind, spirit, and soul.

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