"For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6

July 2, 2011

"In Between"

Trying to understand and comprehend what is transpiring around me in the "In Between" can be discerning and quite disturbing at times. I am gong to call it the "In Between" because that is the only way to understand this. The "In Between" is the space between matter that has not atom structure to build on and it would be considered the spiritual realm.

It is like looking across the room through the air between walls. The air we breath is needed and necessary for survival yet the air "in between" is occupied by spiritual entities. Yes, you can say, this woman is out of her mind and needs medical attention! but No, I know exactly what it is. Describing this phenomenon is easier said then done. Remember Revelations when John was trying to describe things and couldn't put words on it, just described the scene as he saw it, that is exactly what I am doing. Throughout history this has occurred where people tried to describe things they had never seen so they did the best they could to be understood by the reader.

The "in between" is the atmosphere surrounding you. This atmosphere can be dark or light, based upon the room lighting and settings. The shadows that you see with a flick of they eye that you refuse to acknowledge normally is something real. The entities hide in dark closets, dark rooms, dark shadows, and dark area's along with hiding within or around a person. Have you ever felt that sudden urge of anger, resentment, bitterness, frustration, ect, and not know where it came from. Well, nine times out of ten it came from a spirit that has oppressed you. Oppressed means to cover someone. That entity wraps itself around you and no one can see it. Through the Holy Spirit though you can feel the heaviness surrounding you and demand it to leave.

The most powerful words alive, "I demand you in the name of Jesus Christ to leave my presence. I acknowledge your presence and refuse to allow you to oppress me. I rebuke you in the name of Jesus, through the power of the blood of the Lamb, I demand you to leave my presence and not return. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit, Amen"...

Repeat as needed, Sometimes you have to repeat this three times before you feel the presence leave you..

God's words are active, and sharper than a two-edge sword and can penetrate bone and marrow. God is good!!

Do not be afraid, because they can feed on your fear. Squash that idea from your intellect and mind. Have faith and believe in the name of Jesus, the most powerful name alive.

The area of the "in between" can be visible to you or invisible but with the ability of discernment you can acknowledge this heaviness that is not visible. The more of Christ Jesus you have in you, the more you can distinguish such things. Thank God for the gifts of the Spirit, for Jesus did not leave us nor forsake us, but sent the comforter to guide us...

God Bless You and Keep You, Guide lead you and Guide you to Freedom and Victory in Him!